
Does Everybody Need Life Insurance?

Does Everybody Need Life Insurance?

As a husband and soon-to-be-father, I worry about certain things. I worry about reaching the financial summit, so my wife and I can be financially secure. I worry about a safe delivery for my wife and my future child. I worry about whether they would be okay, when I am gone (And by this I mean financially). I know that losing a loved-one is very difficult, but with money problems it can become even more difficult. I don't want my wife to have to worry about money, if I happen to die early. 

Investing Tools for College: The Texas Tuition Promise Fund

Investing Tools for College: The Texas Tuition Promise Fund

The other day, I was messing around on the internet reading financial articles and I stumbled across a thing called The Texas Tuition Promise Fund. I was intrigued to see what was being offered and decided to do some more research. Texas and other states have college pre-payment programs that can be used by your kids in college. 

Teaching Kids to Handle Money

Teaching Kids to Handle Money

As a soon-to-be father, I have been interested in the importance of parental guidance and I have even written a couple articles about this topic. Since, we can't count on the schools to teach our children how to handle money, then we have to be the ones to teach them. Therefore, I am writing this article to put down strategies that I want to use to teach my children about finances. I hope that you can find these strategies beneficial, and you will try to use them with your children.

When is the Right Time to Have a Baby?

When is the Right Time to Have a Baby?

As many of you know, I am a big fan of both Dave Ramsey and Mr. Money Mustache (MMM).  Both guys have a method and that method has worked for them.  Dave believes in budgets and MMM does not.  Dave uses the budget to tell him that he can spend money and MMM just avoids spending at all cost.  These two methods of finance are where I find myself.  I feel like I kind of blend between Dave and MMM.  I sometimes spend money because I have it, but sometimes I just won't spend any money.  There's a happy medium to be found in between Dave and MMM.  The same can be said for their beliefs on when to have a baby.

The Importance of Parental Guidance, Part 2

The Importance of Parental Guidance, Part 2

In an earlier article, I talked about how important it is for parents to teach their children about money and to do this by guiding children with your actions.  That of course is not the only way to teach your children how to handle money.  Of course, my grandmother pointed out some of the stuff that I left out of the article in the comment section and I felt like I needed to address this comment, because she is right.  So, let's look at what my grandmother commented after my first parental guidance article.