Why Do We Choose Financial Independence?

Why Do We Choose Financial Independence?

My wife and I have been pursuing Financial Independence for about three years. We still have a long way to go, but our large savings rate has us ahead of most of America. While at FINCON 2019, I attended many sessions that constantly made me think and gave me many ideas for the blog, but two sessions in particular asked two profound questions. One of these questions is the title of the article.

The Most Important Take Away from FINCON 2019

The Most Important Take Away from FINCON 2019

Just eight days ago, I returned from a trip to Washington, D.C. I spent 4 days in Washington, D.C. at a financial conference called FINCON. I have wanted to go for the last three years, but never pulled the trigger. The event occurs over the school year and I just couldn’t pull myself away from my students.