
Live with an Underdog Mentality

Live with an Underdog Mentality

I was listening to a podcast the other day (like most days) and the host was interviewing Aaron Watson. Some of you may not know Aaron Watson, but he is an independent country artist. While being interviewed, he was asked to play a song. He played the song, "Fence Post," which gave me the idea for this article. Some of you may not be country music fans, but the message of overcoming underdog status is very motivating. I have quoted a few of the lyrics from this song below.

The Beauty of Creating and Sticking to a Plan

The Beauty of Creating and Sticking to a Plan

I tend to be a wanderer. What does that mean? Well, I like to go and see things and not worry about time constraints. I like to not be stressed about rushing places and I can get distracted by new things or new experiences. My wife and I are very different in this regard, because she likes to get things done as fast as possible and I like lolly gag. 

One Thing That We can Learn From Rogue One

One Thing That We can Learn From Rogue One

There is just something about the galaxy far, far away that peaks my interest. I love the characters, the story, the force and the lightsabers. I would even re-enact lightsaber battles using yardsticks with my sister as kids. I have been mesmerized with everything Star Wars and Rogue One was no different. Rogue One was made and developed in a way to honor the original Star Wars movies and I am a big fan of how it showed us a story leading up to Episode IV: A New Hope.

Rich Habit: Try New Things

Rich Habit: Try New Things

Sure there are some wealthy people that inherited their wealth, but a majority of wealthy people built their wealth over long periods of time. They had to take some risks. They had to sacrifice a little. They had to make changes in their lives. Some self-made millionaires realized that they had a problem and did something about it. They didn't just sit around waiting on things to get better, but instead they did something to change their lives.